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Top 10 Questions Residents Have About Mosquito Control

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以下是居民们想知道的Hga010皇冠软件下载在社区喷洒灭蚊喷雾的10件事. 重要的是要注意,这些常见问题的具体答案可能会因你所在社区使用的灭蚊产品而异. But generally:

How do mosquito control spray treatments work?

在社区范围内,使用安装在卡车或全地形车后部的超低体积(ULV)喷雾设备进行成蚊控制治疗. 紫外线喷雾器将液体灭蚊产品变成超细的喷雾云或雾, made up of tiny droplets. 这些飞沫在喷洒时随风在空气中移动,与飞行的成年蚊子接触.

In order to be effective, the droplets need to make physical contact with the flying mosquito, 所以紫外线照射通常在当地蚊子最活跃的黄昏或黎明开始. 它们没有任何残留效应——它们只在治疗时起作用,迅速减少成年蚊子的数量. Once applied, the product begins to break down rapidly and dissipates 5 to 30 minutes later, depending on the formulation and weather conditions.

Will mosquito spray treatments harm me, my kids, or my pets?

我们理解很多居民在日常生活中对农药接触的担忧. And, we know many individuals are generally sensitive to chemicals, whether they’re from a perfume or a pesticide, and take steps to limit exposure whenever possible. However, mosquito control treatments, applied correctly, using EPA-registered products, 不会伤害人类或宠物,是保护公众免受蚊媒疾病侵害的重要做法. That said, we do offer residents the ability to sign-up for advance notification of scheduled applications, so they can plan accordingly.

Do I need to cover my plants before a mosquito spray treatment? Are garden veggies safe to eat after a treatment?

Plants and garden beds do not need to be covered or harvested before a treatment. Just use the same practice that should be followed with grocery or market produce, and rinse with water and a mild detergent before consuming.


Leave the A/C on!  在喷雾处理期间,窗户也可以保持打开状态,但大多数居民更喜欢关闭窗户. Decades ago, these were common recommendations, but as application technology and product chemistries have evolved, this is no longer a necessary measure.

Will mosquito spray treatments in our community also control ticks?

Insecticide applications are not one-size-fits-all, and spray treatments to reduce flying, biting, adult mosquito populations will not work on ticks. Why? Mosquitoes are flying; ticks are crawling; AND they are a completely different type of insect, with a very different body size. While the same product may be used for tick and mosquito control treatments, the application method and dose will be different. Applications for ticks need to be made at ground-level where they crawl, 而且使用的剂量明显高于控制成蚊喷洒所需的剂量.


(Ahh… you were waiting for this one!) This one gets tricky and can be very product-specific, but generally, the answer is, have no fear!  从美国疾病控制与预防中心下载这份情况说明书,详细介绍了喷雾剂的应用.  While the EPA has determined that certain active ingredients in pesticides may be toxic to beneficial insects upon direct exposure, four key things reduce this risk for mosquito control applications:

  1. We don’t spray just the active ingredients. 我们使用高度精炼的配方,其中大部分含有不到5%的有效成分.
  2. ULV treatments used for adult mosquito control distribute a very, 非常少量的蚊子控制产品——通常一盎司或更少用于处理一英亩(大约是四个典型的郊区家庭用地或一个足球场). Why so little? Because the dose is specific to mosquitoes, which are much smaller in weight than most beneficial insects. For reference, mosquitoes weigh between 2 and 10mg each. A firefly weighs at least 20mg. The average honey bee weighs 100mg.
  3. Next, 这种极少量的产品以超微小的液滴形式输送——想象一下针头上的15个液滴. 这些飞沫漂浮在空气中,通过与飞行中的成年蚊子进行身体接触来发挥作用.
  4. And lastly, we usually treat beginning at dusk, when mosquitoes are most active and other beneficial insects are not.

Won’t mosquito spraying hurt the bees?

喷洒蚊子和蜜蜂——这是另一个敏感问题,也是每个从事公共卫生蚊虫控制工作的人都非常重视的问题. Firstly, 保护其他有益昆虫的同样保护措施也适用于蜜蜂, 此外,还鼓励蚊虫控制项目与当地养蜂人保持透明的关系,并提前提供治疗通知. 也有很多由非常著名的学术机构发表的实地调查和研究, such as Louisiana State University, that demonstrate mosquito control applications, when conducted according to all label guidelines, do not present a material risk to pollinators. 例如,本文总结了LSU进行的实地调查,表明 ULV treatments for mosquito control do not harm honey bees, even in cases of direct spray applications.

Why can’t I see the mosquito spray coming out of your truck? I didn’t hear your truck!

Less – and quieter – is better! 自滴滴涕喷雾处理以来,紫外线喷雾技术已经发展了相当多. Modern chemistries, more advanced, quieter spray equipment, 多变的天气条件意味着雾云并不总是可见或可闻,但这并不意味着它不起作用!

Your mosquito control trucks are driving too fast for that treatment to work! You missed my house!

每辆Hga010皇冠软件下载的喷雾车都配备了两项技术,以确保喷雾的有效性和安全性. First is a monitoring system called SmartFlow. 该设备可根据车辆速度的变化调节喷雾量,以确保均匀的处理率. 所以,无论我们的车速是5英里还是15英里,正确的应用速度都是分散的. The second technology used is called GeoTab, which is a GPS-based application that tracks vehicle locations, vehicle speeds, and spray activity (on/off) in real-time.

Why can’t you spray for mosquitoes more often?

喷雾治疗的时机总是与我们所服务的社区密切协调,并取决于他们的蚊子控制计划和预算的设计. To determine spray requirements, 我们查看了来自当地监测陷阱的人口和疾病监测数据, and combine it with insights from environmental conditions, predictive software, resident calls, 资源的可用性和时间对成蚊进行治疗,以提供最大的缓解.

It rained right after you sprayed for mosquitoes – did it still work?

Last but not least, ULV spray treatments followed by rain are usually still effective, as long as there were adult mosquitoes in flight at the time of treatment. However, 在植物叶片上喷洒屏障处理的持久力可能会受到天气条件的影响.

公共卫生防蚊措施的存在,不仅是为了减少讨厌的蚊子数量,使我们的社区更宜居和舒适. 其主要功能是保护公众健康,使其免受蚊虫传播给人类的疾病的侵害, like Zika and West Nile Virus.
 If you are interested in learning more, reach us here.